Our Locations
The Mediadesign Hochschule has its own training centers in Berlin, Düsseldorf and Munich. The locations have extensive, high-quality media technology, including professionally equipped image and sound studios in Berlin and Munich. Our guiding principles in teaching and research combine design and technology know-how.
Studieren an der Mediadesign Hochschule
Get an impression
mdh Berlin
Franklinstraße 28-29
10587 Berlin
Tel. 030 399266-0
Mail. info-ber@mediadesign.de

mdh Düsseldorf
Kaistraße 5
40221 Düsseldorf
Tel. 0211 179393-0
Mail. info-dus@mediadesign.de

Melvin Wagner
mdh München
Neumarkter Str. 22
81673 München
Tel. 089 450605-0
Mail. info-muc@mediadesign.de