Apprenticeship/Media Design: Digital & Print
Ausbildung_Digital und Print_Hero

Media Design Digital & Print

Why Apply for "Media Design: digital & print“?

You have an eye for design and you want to start your own trends? Become part of our Creative Community and inspire people with your visual ideas. We will teach you how to work with shapes, forms and photos and how to develop new digital ideas. Whether you want to create screen design, websites, booklets, animations or virtual exhibition stands – over the course of you training you will acquire the whole range of media design skills required to master this trade.

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3 years


IHK Degree


02.09.2024 (Wintersemester)
01.10.2024 (Wintersemester)




Düsseldorf (DE)
Munich (DE)


Düsseldorf (On site)
Munich (On site)
Munich (On site)

Monthly fees

EU from 349,00 €
Non-EU from 349,00 €

You can look forward to:

Media design
Image editing
Layout & design
Practical projects

Your Training

Over the course of your training, you will cover all fields of graphic design, including photography, animation and screen design. For the first 12 months, you will receive your basic training at mdh while exploring your own strengths and weaknesses. During this time you will learn the trade, develop the required skill and tray out ideas.

The theoretic part is followed by an 18-months practical phase during which you will do internships in companies and agencies. This time will help you to find out which areas of your field you like best and to decide on your specialisation.

At the end of your training mdh will help you to prepare for your state-approved exam at IHK (Chamber of Commerce) Don´t worry, our students have a 96 % success rate in IHK exams!

    Content of Your Training


    Over the course of your training, you will acquire theoretic know-how and practical skills.  

    Within every training module, theoretic units are combined with practical exercises and project task, thus preparing the ground for your move into the working world.

    The following are just some of the things we will cover:

    Basics of Design and Color Design

    • Photography and digital image processing
    • Typography and layout development
    • Vector and presentation graphics
    • Print publishing/pre-print stage/PDF
    • Material science und printing technology

    Web Publishing

    • Screendesign
    • Audio, video and animation
    • Data handling and media integration

    Media Management

    • Visual marketing
    • Business and social economics, communication
    • Technical calculation

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    Exhibition Hall

    Your Career

    Target group "Media Design"

    • You an eye for visual designs and trends
    • People who love working on details, editing, animation and adding sound
    • Team players loving to work with other people

    Job Market

    The media industry is booming. Digitalization is creating new jobs and infinite possibilities. Our alumni work in marketing departments of internet companies and create websites, flyers, brochures or booklets. More “traditional” media companies also need well-trained graphic experts who produce images or create advertisements. There are many options in the advertisement industry as well. Ad and PR agencies are always looking for people with your background.

    Future employers are…

    Advertisement agencies, film and tv production companies, tv channels, sound studios, post-production studios, theaters and other cultural institutions, event and exhibition companies or radio stations.

    Apprenticeship done, want some more?

    With a successfull apprenticeship at mdh, you can apply for a bachelor program in Game Design, Digital Film Design or Media Design at mdh, even without a graduation diploma from secondary school.


    Application & Admission

    Admission Requirements

    • General school leaving qualification (Abitur or similar)
    • Or another accepted school leaving certificate (possibly “Realschulabschluss”, intermediate school leaving certificate or O-levels)

    Personal Requirements

    • An interest in TV, film, technology and sound
    • Being a team-player, interest in working with others
    • Being ready to help out when things get tight

    Application Process

    Your personality and your talents are more important than top grades!

    Please apply via e-Mail (or regular mail). This is what we need from you:

    • A motivation letter (tell us what inspires you – ca. 1 page)
    • Representative work samples (Sketches, pictures, collages or early work, etc…)
    • Relevant grade reports as well as a resume with your current photo
    • You may apply during the school year (even before secondary school graduation)
    • Graduation diploma can be submitted after completion of your secondary school

    Monthly Tuition Fee:

    • Campus Munich: 399 €
    • Campus Düsseldorf: 349 €

    Application fees

    We charge a one-time application fee of 290,00 EUR for this programme and a one-time material fee of 350,00 EUR.

    Infos & Help

    Do you have any questions?

    Do you have any questions?

    Our student advisory service will be happy to help you with questions regarding application and financing. Just give us a call or send us an e-mail. Our student advisors will advise you in a personal information session. We will gladly send you free information material.
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    Innovative study programs, flexible study design and more than 30 years of experience in education - mdh is one of Germany's leading universities for media and design. Discover the relevant media fields of tomorrow now!
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    Would you like to learn more about your desired study program? Then you have the opportunity to participate in our online events from the comfort of your own home.
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