mdh students win game award


Game design students from the Mediadesign University of Applied Sciences Munich have won the category "Finished Game" at GameFestival23 with their project TRASH CAN, BE HOME. Julia Ihrenberger, Moritz Ritter, Justin Andric, Jin Ristic and Rebekka Hadyk developed the game, which focuses on environmental protection, as part of their studies at mdh.

TRASH CAN, BE HOME: Winner with a sustainable message

The game TRASH CAN, BE HOME creatively combines survival and resource management. To survive in the virtual game world, players must collect resources and improve their survival skills by building their own houses and other objects from waste.

The game was well received by the GamePrize23 jury for its innovative approach to environmental protection and the high level of detail in its design. The game makes us think about our relationship with nature and the environment and inspires us to find sustainable solutions.


GamesFestival23: Award ceremony

GamesFestival is an annual event held in Munich that provides a stage and exhibition space to develop and present games, discuss topics, learn about innovative games, and play games together. The event is a celebration and experience of video game culture. The highlight of the festival is the GamesPrize awards ceremony, which honors homegrown games, game videos, audios and events. The theme of this year's competition was What's Real?

The GamesPreis is organized by the ComputerSpielAkademie (CSA) of the Munich Media Center of the JFF - Institute for Media Education and the Bavarian Youth Ring (BJR). It is supported by the City Youth Office of the LH Munich and the Bavarian Ministry of Social Affairs.

In 2023, the GamesFestival23 spanned two days from April 30 to May 1, 2023. The festive award ceremony took place on April 30, 2023 and was streamed live on the Twitch channel of the ComputerSpielAkademie.