
Research and design development

The Mediadesign Hochschule promotes research and creative development in order to do justice not only to its teaching mission, but also to its self-image as a place of scientific and artistic development and exchange. Particular attention is paid to the transfer of results into the theoretical and practical knowledge of the courses taught at the university.

Research and Creative Development at mdh

mdh is not only looking to maintain high standards of instruction, the university is also aiming to fulfill its own objectives befitting it as a place for scientific and artistic development and exchange and therefore supports research and creative development. Special focus lies on incorporating the research findings into the theoretical and practical know-how taught in the university´s program.  

In particular, mdh supports research projects based on the principles of innovation, an interdisciplinary approach, topicality and relevance, sustainability, diversity and inclusion as well as internationality. 

To meet these demands, the university cooperates with other national and international universities, for example in the UK, the US, Brazil and China. Additionally, mdh participates in joint ventures with industry partners and private research institutes.

The aim of research and creative development at mdh is furthermore to strengthen the respective areas of design to increase relevant knowledge for these and to enhance the quality of instruction. Ultimately the university´s objective is to contribute to the improvement of society at large.

To implement this research concept, mdh has a Dean of Research and Transfer. The dean promotes research and creative development by supporting and advising professors as well as through the advancement of knowledge transfer and academic exchange. This includes a sponsorship/patronage of the research colloquium, an open university platform for the dynamic exchange regarding research projects among professors and lecturers. The position of the dean forms a bridge between the university administration and the professors and ensures a continuous development of research and creative design. Professor Claudia Schwarz is acting deputy director for research and transfer. 

Research Commission

Presentation of the members and chairmen

The commission for Research and the Practice of Art is a body that was established by the Academic Senate and evaluates and submits grant applications for the promotion of research and design projects on behalf of the professors and presents them to the university administration.  

Acting chairman of the commission for research and the practice of art is Professor Claudia Schwarz. Current deputy chairman is Professor Dr. Jan Kruse. Additional members nominated by the Senate are Professor Sylvius Lack and Professor Dr. J. Martin. Professor Dr. rer. nat. habil. Oliver Hahn (Federal agency for materiels research and testing, BAM ) acts as an external member.