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Stefanie Meier

Stefanie Meier

"It was a nice experience to have received the finished printed comic from an applicant's creative portfolio as a personal gift when he started his studies. It's still in my closet.“
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Jana Hiller

Jana Hiller

"A valuable experience for me was the statement by a former game design student that he was able to fulfill his career aspirations in his dream company thanks to his studies and a scholarship from the Media Design University."
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Stefanie Frelke

Stefanie Frelke

"It is always nice to experience how initially shy and self-doubting prospects/applicants become self-confident and gifted designers and managers who find their place in the design and management world through their studies."
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Kathrin Braun

Kathrin Braun

Feedback from an applicant: "I have to say one thing, you were so nice right from the start, so helpful, so quick to respond, what great service!! I would like to congratulate you very much... it is obvious that you love your job and that it's your thing." And she was right: As a graphic designer with experience in various industries and countries - to inspire young people for this: YES - this JOB is exactly my thing!"
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Yvonne Heinicke

Yvonne Heinicke

“There are many beautiful moments in my job. But the best thing usually comes three and a half years after I've done my work: when we toast your bachelor's certificate after the graduation ceremony."
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Ernesto Rodriguez

Ernesto Rodriguez

“My favorite part of the process is the campus visits. It's kind of funny how these meetings always start. Most of the time people are a bit distant, stiff and very formal at first. Then, a few minutes into the meeting, they start to relax and it stops being a meeting and becomes a nice conversation.”
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University, Cooperations & International

Marketing, Sales & Communication

Prof. Carola Anna Elias

Prof. Carola Anna Elias

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Student Relations, Karriereservice

Rona van der Zander

Rona van der Zander

"I am your contact person for career advice. I'm happy to support you in finding an internship at home or abroad during your internship semester, in writing applications for a working student position, or in mastering the job entry after graduation. You can attend numerous exciting, interactive career workshops and receive personal coaching during my office hours. A lot of inspiration comes from my mdh Career Talks Podcast, too. Many exciting insights from our corporate network, consultancy, apprenticeship and campus life await you!”
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Alumni network

Prof. Nina Hein

Prof. Nina Hein

"In your final semester, I will help you structure your bachelor's or master's thesis and am always available to answer general questions. I would also like to prepare you optimally for your job entry. For this purpose, I offer you numerous trainings and workshops in cooperation with Rona. After graduation you are welcome to stay connected with us! Via the alumni network we are always happy to welcome alumni at mdh - as participants in our events, as mentors for students or even as lecturers. "
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Academic Affairs

Leitung Finanzen