Airport Project "Take-Off

12.05.2023 | Anna Rohrbach

Exhibition design for Düsseldorf and Munich airports

Our trainees in the field of Digital & Print Media Design (IHK) at the Düsseldorf and Munich sites were given the unique opportunity to develop exhibition concepts for the airports at both sites. Initiated by the training managers Jennifer Petz and Frank Wienss, the trainees developed their creative exhibition concepts as part of a cross-site design lab. Thematically, the young designers were inspired by historical milestones and dedicated themselves to different target groups of passengers.

On March 23, 2023, the trainees presented their projects to the teachers, the training supervisors and a special guest: Tankred Stachelhaus, press officer of Düsseldorf Airport, showed himself to be an interested listener and gave valuable feedback afterwards.

Thank you very much for your visit, dear Tankred Stachelhaus! Many thanks also to the training supervisors Jennifer Petz and Frank Wienss and to all trainees for the realization of this exciting project.