Graduation ceremony winter semester 2022/23


The Mediadesign Hochschule is very pleased to finally be able to bid farewell to all graduates again this semester with a celebration in presence.

The Mediadesign University is thrilled to have bid farewell to this semester’s graduates with an in-person ceremony, which took place in Berlin, Munich, and Düsseldorf. Graduates, guests, professors, teachers, and staff came together to celebrate the successful bachelor and master graduates.

At the end of March 2023, a total of 143 graduates were ceremoniously awarded degrees across all three locations. Bachelor’s degree graduates in Media Design, Modemanagement, and Digital Film Design received the Bachelor of Arts, while Game Design graduates received the Bachelor of Science. Graduates at the Berlin location also received a Master of Arts degree in Design Management. During the ceremony, the outstanding achievements of the graduates who completed their studies at the Mediadesign University in the winter semester 2022/23 were recognized. In their personal speeches, the course directors and representatives of the university management emphasized that the graduates can contribute to shaping and enriching our society through their work and commitment.

Overall, the graduation ceremony was an inspiring and enjoyable event that emphasized the importance of creativity and innovation in our world. We warmly congratulate our graduates on their graduation and wish them all the best for their future. We are sure that they will enrich the world with their creativity and innovative spirit.

We would also like to express our gratitude to the Wacom Experience Center Düsseldorf for allowing us to use their unique premises for the graduation ceremony at the Düsseldorf location.

Text: Anna Rohrbach