Anticipation of a comprehensive revision of our visual identity

08.02.2024 | Martin Adam

In light of the groundbreaking alliance recently formed between the Mediadesign Hochschule and Whitecliffe College of New Zealand - a pivotal moment heralding a new era of academic brilliance and international expansion - we are delighted to announce plans for a comprehensive overhaul of our visual identity.

This strategic alliance between Mediadesign Hochschule and Whitecliffe College marks a significant milestone in the evolution and international orientation of both educational institutions. The alliance not only expands academic offerings and bolsters international presence but also signifies a reorientation of mdh beyond the traditional boundaries of design and computer science. 

Consequently, the logo of the Media Design University shall undergo a change to Whitecliffe | mdh University of Applied Sciences.

The expansion into legal and management fields reflects a response to the dynamic shifts and demands of the global job market, as well as to the interdisciplinary challenges in design, technology, and beyond. This strategic decision underscores the need for a broader and more inclusive brand representation that transcends the original scope of media design and mirrors the new academic focuses.

The collaboration with Whitecliffe, known for its progressive programs in art, design, fashion, and sustainability, and the cultural significance and values associated with founder Greg Whitecliffe, a Maori artist with a vision to establish a university, emphasizes the importance of diversity, creative innovation, and social responsibility. These values are essential for future orientation and should be reflected in the visual identity and brand presence of the merged institution.

A new logo and name representing both the Mediadesign Hochschule and Whitecliffe College would not only symbolize the expanded academic direction and the united heritage of both institutions but also set a strong signal for innovation, diversity, and international cooperation. It is about starting a new chapter that embodies the vision, values, and extended academic offerings of the new institution, appealing and representative for both current and potential students, faculty, and partners worldwide.

Changing the logo and name to Whitecliffe | mdh University of Applied Sciences would thus be a logical and strategically sound decision that adequately reflects and supports the newly defined direction, ambitions, and inclusive values of the merged university. This change would strengthen the institutional identity, enhance recognition and attractiveness on the international education market, and create a unified and forward-looking brand ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

From this analysis, it emerges that a change in the logo can be justified by the need to visually represent the evolutionary development of the institution, the synergies created by the international alliance, the expanded global vision, and the strategic objectives. A new logo serves as a visual symbol that conveys the transformation and future-oriented orientation of the joint institution. It supports the communication of the expanded brand identity, promotes international recognition, and helps to effectively anchor the differentiated and expanded educational offerings in the consciousness of target groups.
